Some well-known facts:
- VARCHAR2 has a max size of 32767 characters
- UTF8 is a multi-byte character set, one character uses up to 4 bytes
- 32767/4 = 8191.75
It looks like there are conversion problems when copying from a CLOB to a VARCHAR2 on UTF8 databases. If the VARCHAR2 gets assigned a CLOB (either directly or via SUBSTR(clob,...)) of more than 8191 characters, this raises VALUE_ERROR (see example below). If reading via DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR, the result gets truncated to 8191 characters. Reading via DBMS_LOB.READ works as expected.
An annoying inconsistency. DB was on Windows.
An annoying inconsistency. DB was on Windows.
CN@cn> select value from v$nls_parameters where parameter='NLS_CHARACTERSET';
CN@cn> declare
2 c clob;
3 v varchar2(10000);
4 begin
5 for i in 8191 .. 8192 loop
6 v := rpad('abc',i);
7 c := v;
8 dbms_output.put_line('Trying length '||i||'...');
9 v := c;
10 dbms_output.put_line('...ok');
11 end loop;
12 end;
13 /
Trying length 8191...
Trying length 8192...
PL/SQL-Prozedur erfolgreich abgeschlossen.
CN@cn> conn cn/test@cnutf
Connect durchgef▒hrt.
CN@cnutf> select value from v$nls_parameters where parameter='NLS_CHARACTERSET';
CN@cnutf> declare
2 c clob;
3 v varchar2(10000);
4 begin
5 for i in 8191 .. 8192 loop
6 v := rpad('abc',i);
7 c := v;
8 dbms_output.put_line('Trying length '||i||'...');
9 v := c;
10 dbms_output.put_line('...ok');
12 end;
13 /
Trying length 8191...
Trying length 8192...
FEHLER in Zeile 1:
ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numerischer oder Wertefehler
ORA-06512: in Zeile 9