Saturday, January 19, 2008

Object oriented database management systems

Recently, there were several blog posts about ODBMSs. It all started with this interview of Michael Stonebraker.
Dan Weinreb (ex ObjectStore) responded and today I read a blog post of Oracle's John Russell.

In the early/mid 90ies, when I was still on university and hooked on OO, ODBMSs had a big fascination for me. I read every book and paper about them I could get and had uni accounts on machines to play with Gemstone and ObjectStore. Hell, I even wrote one myself, in c++ and tcl (chaos - chris' alternative object store;-)).

Accidently, my first job was with Oracle 7 and Forms/Reports, "boring" technology or so I thought. This changed quickly, when I realized how efficient development in this environment was. It turned out that I didn't need all that fancy OO stuff I thought indispensable to get things done and have fun working. In some way, programming pl/sql even reminds me of the Gemstone/Smalltalk days. My interface seems minimalistic in comparison (sql*plus and vi), but it's only the interface to that powerful, persistent multiuser sql and pl/sql machine.


John Russell said...

When you say SQL*Plus and vi, I hope you really mean SQL*Plus and vim. Vim is a great arrow to have in your quiver. Available on lots of platforms, recently gained tabs, and with very powerful automation via features like record/playback of macros. I often use 'vim -w / vim -s' instead of 'perl -e' to run a transformation on a group of files.

Chris said...

Vim it is, yes (both on linux and cygwin). After years of use, the limitations of other editors feel like I've got one hand bound to my back. Specialized tools like toad or sqldeveloper are totally overloaded. Especially toad seems like a failure to me, the standard configuration needs more space for toolbars than the edit pane.

Somewhere on your blog I've already read that you are a vim user, too. Maybe that's a topic for another post, sharing scripts and macros.