Wednesday, June 11, 2008

An aggregate function for collection types

Today I stumbled upon a blog entry where the poster needs something like Tom Kyte's stragg function, only with dynamic delimiters. Here's my solution, using a variation of stragg that accumulates data in a collection instead of appending it to a string.

First of all, this is how you use it:
SQL> r
1 with data as (
2 select lpad('x',level,'x') data
3 from dual
4 connect by level <= 5)
5 select v2_pkg.join(v2_agg(data),'-')
6* from data


1 Zeile wurde ausgewählt.

The v2_agg function (and it's underlying object type) append strings to a collection. The v2_pkg.join concatenates the elements of it's first argument (the collection) with the second argument in between. See below for the source code. It's part of my everyday toolkit, v2_pkg contains lots more, for example.

The collection type
create type v2_tbl as table of varchar2(4000);

The aggregate object type spec
create or replace type v2_agg_type as object (                                  
elements v2_tbl,
static function
ODCIAggregateInitialize(sctx IN OUT v2_agg_type )
return number,
member function
ODCIAggregateIterate(self IN OUT v2_agg_type ,
value IN varchar2 )
return number,
member function
ODCIAggregateTerminate(self IN v2_agg_type,
returnValue OUT v2_tbl,
flags IN number)
return number,
member function
ODCIAggregateMerge(self IN OUT v2_agg_type,
ctx2 IN v2_agg_type)
return number

The aggregate function
create or replace function v2_agg(input varchar2)
return v2_tbl
parallel_enable aggregate using v2_agg_type;

The utility package spec
create or replace package v2_pkg as
function join(i_tbl in v2_tbl,
i_glue in varchar2 := ',')
return varchar2;

The object type body
create or replace type body v2_agg_type  is
static function ODCIAggregateInitialize(sctx IN OUT v2_agg_type)
return number
sctx := v2_agg_type( null );
return ODCIConst.Success;
member function ODCIAggregateIterate(self IN OUT v2_agg_type,
value IN varchar2 )
return number
if self.elements is null then
self.elements := v2_tbl();
end if;
self.elements(self.elements.count) := value;
return ODCIConst.Success;
member function ODCIAggregateTerminate(self IN v2_agg_type,
returnValue OUT v2_tbl,
flags IN number)
return number
returnValue := self.elements;
return ODCIConst.Success;
member function ODCIAggregateMerge(self IN OUT v2_agg_type,
ctx2 IN v2_agg_type)
return number
if ctx2.elements is not null then
if self.elements is null then
self.elements := v2_tbl();
end if;
for i in 1 .. ctx2.elements.count loop
self.elements(self.elements.count) := ctx2.elements(i);
end loop;
end if;
return ODCIConst.Success;

The utility package body
create or replace package body v2_pkg as
function join(i_tbl in v2_tbl,
i_glue in varchar2 := ',')
return varchar2
v_str varchar2(32767);
IF i_tbl is not null THEN
FOR i in 1 .. i_tbl.count LOOP
v_str := v_str || i_glue || i_tbl(i);
return substr(v_str,length(i_glue)+1);

By the way, Oracle's COLLECT function might be more appropriate than v2_agg for large datasets. This post explains why.


Charles Schultz said...

Very interesting. Thanks for the feedback. I like how your example is much easier (and much more intuitive) to use in "real life"; my example is quite hard on the eyes for everyday use in queries.

What is also interesting is that my example seemed to have less of an impact in terms of recursive calls and consistent gets:

300 recursive calls
0 db block gets
171 consistent gets
16 physical reads

1806 recursive calls
0 db block gets
901 consistent gets
53 physical reads

Is this a peculiarity of the Data Cartridges?

Chris said...

Glad you liked it :-). I don't know which statements caused your statistics, but I also measured a performance penalty when using aggregate functions, although DBMS_Profiler showed only very small timings. I suppose it is caused by the sql/plsql context switches, as Adrian Billington already pointed out (see the last link in my post).

There is, however, a difference between applying a function to cast(multiset) data and using aggregate functions like min, max, stragg or v2_agg.

Charles Schultz said...

Know if the data cartridges support analytics at all? I am not able to find any help in the documentation, only references to aggregation. I would like to order the string aggregation by a 3rd column.

Chris said...

Afaik, the data cartridge does not support sorting directly. You can, however, order the result programmatically, either in ODCIAggregateTerminate or earlier in ODCIAggregateIterate and ODCIAggregateMerge. You will have to concatenate the input and later trim away the part that is only used for ordering the data. You might want to use a session context or global package variable to pass the separation character.

Another way to get the data sorted is to make sure that no parallel aggregation occurs and to present the input in the desired order, eg:

SQL> select v2_agg(ename) from
2 (select ename from emp order by ename desc);


1 Zeile wurde ausgewählt.

I'm not sure if this always works, however.

Charles Schultz said...

I took out parallel_enable, but still get sorting issues:

select DEPTNO, v2_pkg.join(v2_agg(ename)) ename from (select DEPTNO,ename,empno from emp order by empno desc) group by DEPTNO;




I am not really an ODCI junkie, but right now that is looking like the best alternative at the moment.

I can get Tom Kyte's STRAGG working as an analytic, but the sql to make it work with custom delimiters is quite a mess (passing it in as a concatenated string and parsing it out at the end).

Chris said...

You can use this:

SQL> col enames for a50
select deptno,
from (
select deptno,
stragg(ename) over (
partition by deptno
order by ename desc) enames,
lead(deptno) over (
partition by deptno
order by ename desc) last_marker
from emp
order by deptno)
13 where last_marker is null;

---------- --------------------------------------------------

3 Zeilen ausgewählt.

To see how it works, it's best to first run the inner sql. Note that I used stragg in this example because analytic functions that return collections sometimes cause bugs on, which I still use. See Metalink Bug ID 5656948.

Charles Schultz said...

FYI - Oracle Support filed bug 7194959 on my behalf. Interesting stuff; will be interesting to see what comes of it.

Chris said...

Good idea. Thanks for the info.

Martin Berger said...

in 11gR2 LISTAGG makes this great solution obsolete (I think).
Nevertheless a great introduction to ODCI....

Chris said...


I didn't know I had a great solution, but thanks. However, the ODCI usage was mostly stolen from Tom Kyte's stragg, so the credits belong to him ;-)

On first sight, LISTAGG's syntax (WITHIN GROUP) seems a little bit weird to me. "OVER" is probably reserved for analytic functions, so they needed additional sugar for the pure aggregate version. It's a very welcome addition, however.

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